
Accepting credit cards payments from your clients is common – and so is paying inflated rates and fees associated with accepting those credit cards transactions!

The good news is, B2B payment transactions using corporate credit cards show the highest potential for rate & fee reductions – however, reducing your overall credit card processing spend is much more complicated than just a simple rate re-negotiation with your processor. In fact, your rate makes up a relatively small portion of your total processing spend, and unless you understand the myriad options, categories and classifications associated with credit card transactions – as well as their cost implications – your company will likely continue to pay higher processing fees than necessary.

Luckily, there is a much easier solution: The SALT Group’s Merchant Credit Card Services consultants will leverage their extensive industry experience and navigate the complexities associated with B2B corporate credit card transactions to optimize and minimize your total credit card processing spend.

As always, there’s no risk in having us perform a comprehensive Review for you because our fee is based on performance – if our Consultants cannot identify any Merchant Credit Card Services-related Benefits for your company, then there is absolutely no fee for that service!