When it comes to shipping documents, parcels and packages, nearly EVERY business uses FedEx, UPS or both – which means EVERY one of those companies is overspending on shipping!
Reducing shipping costs is not as easy as a simple rate re-negotiation with your shipping partners, however. In fact, rates make up only part of the total spend equation. The highest potential for spend reduction is directly related to surcharge fees… and that’s where things get complicated.
Our deeply-experienced Parcel consultants use a proprietary, comprehensive Online Billing Database to benchmark your scope of services and ensure your company’s shipping habits perfectly align with your partner agreements. While our end is complex, the end-result for our clients is simple: A substantially reduced FedEx/UPS spend – 100% of the time.
As always, there’s no risk in having us perform a comprehensive Review for you because our fee is based on performance – if our Consultants cannot identify any Parcel-related Benefits for your company, then there is absolutely no fee for that service!